SGA Bylaws | Spalding University Student Handbook

SGA Bylaws




ARTICLE I                     Name

The name of this organization shall be the Student Government Association (S.G.A) of Spalding University. 


ARTICLE II                    Mission 

The mission of the Student Government Association shall be: 

  1. To serve as the official voice of the students of Spalding University, to the faculty, staff, and administration, and community at large;
  2. To provide a means for students to participate in the governance of the University;
  3. To represent and protect the rights and interests of students;
  4. Officially recognize student organizations (RSOs) and allocate funds to them; and, 
  5. To sponsor services of interest to students, 


ARTICLE III                   Membership 

  1. Any student enrolled at Spalding University is a member of the Student Government Association. 
  2. The Association does NOT discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, national origin, or disability. 
  3. The leadership of the Student Government Association is composed of the Student Government Association Executive Board Members, Senators, and House of Representatives. 


ARTICLE IV                  Officers

  1. The officers of the organization shall be President, Vice-President for Undergraduate Students, Vice President of Graduate Students, Secretary, and Treasurer. These officers shall perform the duties prescribed by these bylaws. 
  2. Officers shall be elected to serve for one year. The term for officers shall begin the first day of session six. The out-going officers will work to ensure a reasonably smooth transition between themselves and the in-coming officers. 
  3. Resignation from office shall be submitted to the Secretary in writing for submission to other officers. In case of the resignation of the Secretary, the resignation shall be submitted to the President. 
  4. A vacancy in the position of President shall be filled by the Vice-President for Undergraduate Students. 
  5. All other officer vacancies shall be filled by publicizing the vacancy for the minimum of one week then electing a candidate by a majority vote of the remaining Executive Board Members as well as the Senate. 
  6. If a resignation falls at the end of a session or during Session Seven the position should be posted after classes begin the following session. 
  7. Officers of the Student Government Association shall: 
  8. Maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.75; 
  9. The GPA stipulation may be waived by the Dean of Students or a Student Life and Development Representative;
  10. Officers shall attend every meeting unless valid excuse 
  11. Officers who miss two or more meetings per session may be asked to meet with the President and/or SGA Advisor and discuss a performance improvement plan. 
  12. Officers who do not meet the expectations outlined in their performance improvement plan may be removed by a majority vote of the other officers. 
  13. Officers of the Student Government Association shall be entitled to tuition remission equivalent to one 3-hour course in their major. 
  14. If the officer is graduating the tuition remission will be awarded at the time of payment for their last semester or semester equivalent. 
  15. If the officer is continuing at Spalding the tuition remission will be awarded in the next academic year. 
  16. It will be the responsibility of the officer to work with Student Life and Development and the Finance Office to see that this benefit is applied to their account before their final semester bills are settled. The University reserves the right not to refund cash to students after graduation. 


ARTICLE V                   The Executive Board

  1. The executive power of the Student Government Association shall be shared among the President, Vice-President of Undergraduate Students, Vice-President for Graduate Students, Secretary, and Treasurer. These officers, and a representative from the office of Student Life and Development, a non-voting member, shall constitute the Executive Board. 
  2. The Executive Board shall meet a minimum of one time every session outside of the Senate meetings and shall have supervision of the day-to-day operations of the Association between meetings by setting the hour and place of meetings, making recommendations to Senate, approving minor expenditures, and any other duties as are specific in these bylaws. 
  3. In the case of an Executive Board vacancy the quorum can be achieved by a student representative in good standing with the Student Government Association filling in for the vacant position. 
  4. Three officers shall constitute a quorum. 
  5. The Student Government Association President shall not have voting power in the Executive Board, Senate, except for a tie. 
  6. Powers and duties of the executive officers: 
  7. President shall: 
  8. Have served as an officer for at least three sessions prior to assuming office, 
  9. Be the official representative of the Association, 
  10. Call and preside at all meetings of the Executive Board and Senate, 
  11. Serve as a delegate to any state, regional, or national student government associations, 
  12. Issue a report to the University at the end of term concerning the state of Student Government Association. 
  13. Continually develop relationships with Faculty, Staff, and Administration, 
  14. Disburse funds in the extended absence of the Treasurer 
  15. Prepare and publish the agenda for all scheduled association meetings
  16. Coordinate an orientation for new officers at or near the beginning of their term, to ensure a smooth transition 
  17. Serve as a non-voting member, except in the event of a tie
  18. Be available for the following academic year as a consultant for the incoming board. 
  19. All Vice-Presidents shall:
  20. Assume all duties of the President in case of absence or resignation, 
  21. Help coordinate an orientation for new officers at or near the beginning of their term, to ensure a smooth transition, 
  22. Promote the purposes, programs, and overall image of the Association to on and off-campus audiences, 
  23. Help to publicize time and place of all Association meetings, programs, and services, 
  24. Work closely with the President to ensure that all responsibilities and goals are met, 
  25. Manage social media handles
  26. Assist in the transition for the on-going officers for the following academic year. 
  27. Secretary shall:
  28. Be responsible for keeping all records, contracts, and minutes of Association meetings,
  29. Assume all duties of the Treasurer in case of absence or resignation. 
  30. Make minutes available to all Association members and faculty on request, and to all Association officers, key staff and administration within seventy-two hours.
  31. Create and maintain binder that holds all minutes and documentation for the academic year 
  32. Assist in the transition for the on-going officers for the following academic year. 
  33. Treasurer shall:
  34. Maintain records of all Association financial transaction and be responsible for processing all funding requests, 
  35. Issue a report of expenditures at least twice an academic year to the Executive Board and Senate, 
  36. Assume all duties of the Secretary in case of absence or resignation, 
  37. Inform and educate individual members and student organization about student funds available to them and procedures for accessing such funds. 
  38. Assist in all event planning.
  39. Student Life and Development Representative shall:
  40. Serve as a non-voting advisor to the Executive Board, Senate with regard to policies and potential actions to be taken by the organization; 
  41. Be the official liaison between Student Life and Development and the organization;
  42. Assist the Executive Board members with the duties of their offices;
  43. Attend meetings as available or needed. 


ARTICLE VI                  The Senate

  1. The official term of office for a Senator shall begin with the first meeting of the Senate for that academic year
  2. The Senate shall be made up of two student representatives from each of the nine schools at Spalding University for a total of 18 SGA Senators. 
  3. Legislative power shall be vested in the Senate whose members remain in good standing with the association. 
  4. The Senate members shall attend all scheduled association meetings unless valid excuse. 
  5. If absent, Senate shall contact the Secretary of the Executive Board for the meeting minutes,
  6. Seek to guide the Association for the benefit of all students at Spalding rather than for the benefit of any exclusive group of students, 
  7. Each Senate member shall have one vote, 
  8. The official position of the Association shall be expressed through the minutes, which shall reflect the results of any vote or action based on consensus,
  9. Resolutions may be introduced into the Senate by a voting member of that body and voted upon at any regular meeting. 
  10. Requirements to remain in Good Standing within the Senate: 
  11. Be currently enrolled as a student at Spalding University,
  12. Represent the issues and concerns of their respective constituencies, 
  13. In the case of a Senate vacancy the seat may be filled by a student representative in good standing approved by the Executive Board. 
  14. Most filled Senate seats shall constitute a quorum. 
  15. A quorum must be present for voting to occur. Voting will be conducted by majority of Senators present. 
  16. In case of a tie, the Student Government Association President shall have a vote. 


ARTICLE VII                 House of Representatives

  1. The official term of office for a Representative shall begin with the first meeting of the House of Representatives for that academic year. 
  2. The House of Representatives shall be made up of at least one student representative for each Recognized Student Organization (RSO). 
  3. Legislative power shall be vested in the Senate whose members remain in good standing with the association. 
  4. The House of Representatives members shall attend all scheduled association meetings unless valid excuse.
  5. Seek to guide the Association for the benefit of all students at Spalding rather than for the benefit of any exclusive group of students, 
  6. The official position of the Association shall be expressed through the minutes, which shall reflect the results of any vote or action based on consensus,
  7. Resolutions may be introduced into the House of Representatives by a voting member of that body and voted upon at any regular meeting. 
  8. Requirements to remain in Good Standing within the House of Representatives: 
  9. Be currently enrolled as a student at Spalding University,
  10. Represent the issues and concerns of their respective constituencies, 


ARTICLE VIII                Elections

  1. During Session Five the Student Government Association shall hold elections for Student Government Association Officers. 
  2. Only students who have served on the Student Government Association Executive Board at Spalding for one academic year may run for the position of President. 
  3. Candidates must be current students at Spalding University. 
  4. Votes may be casted electronically if each student may only cast one vote and only current students are permitted to vote. Elections may also be conducted by paper ballot. 
  5. Elections for the SGA Senate shall be held during Session One of each academic year. 
  6. Any student in good standing with their respective discipline is eligible to run for a Senate seat for that discipline. 
  7. There are not elections for representatives in the SGA House of Representatives. RSOs determine which member to send as their representative. 


ARTICLE IX                  Amendment of Bylaws

These bylaws may be amended by the majority of the Executive Board of the Student Government Association in consultation or with the approval of one of the following: the Dean of Student Life and Development, the University Counsel, or the President of the University. The Senate may submit recommendations for revisions in writing to the Executive Board of the Student Government Association.