Threatening or Intimidating Behavior | Spalding University Student Handbook

Threatening or Intimidating Behavior

Threatening or intimidating behavior includes physical abuse, verbal abuse, threats, intimidation, harassment, coercion, or other conduct that threatens or endangers the mental or physical health or safety of any person. Such behavior also includes the use of actions or speech to express or suggest intent to physically injure an individual(s), damage their property or create an emotionally unsafe environment, or to cause a person to have a reasonable apprehension that such harm may occur.

Specific Conduct Prohibited by this Section Includes but is Not Limited to:

Intentionally or recklessly causing physical harm to another person or to self.

The use of actions or speech that threatens or endangers the health, well-being, property, or safety of any person(s).

Deliberate constraint, detainment or incapacitation of another, without that person's explicit knowledge or consent.

Intentionally or recklessly stalking another person.

Intentionally or recklessly engaging in Domestic Violence or Dating Violence against another person.

Verbal Abuse/Assault

Verbal abuse includes calling name-calling or making degrading, insulting, or prejudiced statements toward another individual.  Making false allegations against other students, Residence Life staff, or other staff/faculty members is also considered verbal abuse.  Verbal assault includes making threats against another individual including threats of harm, terror, or intimidation.

Physical Contact 

Physical contact/use of force against any person will not be tolerated.  Residents, students, employees, and guests of the University are entitled to be free of intimidation, fear, or the threat of physical contact or the use of force, including unwanted contact of a sexual nature. Violations of this policy will result in a $50.00 fine in addition to charges for any damage caused by a resident. The student may go before the honor board on the first offense and may be subject to eviction from the residence hall or criminal prosecution. Other penalties will be determined by the Residence Life Coordinator and may include permanent loss of visitation and other privileges.