Math Lab | Spalding University Student Handbook

Math Lab

The Math Lab is located on the 2nd floor of the library. We offer support with math problems and test preparation for the Accuplacer, TEAS, and Math Praxis. Our goal is to help you succeed in your coursework and test-taking, as well as to reduce your anxiety while making math less intimidating. 

We are open Monday through Friday for In-Person or Virtual appointments. An appointment can be made via the link below: 

Math Lab Appointment

Please visit the Math Lab website for updated hours and availability.

We look forward to seeing you! 


The Accuplacer is given at no additional cost to determine which math course is best for you at Spalding. The ACT/SAT mathematics sub-score (no more than 5 years old) is used to determine the appropriate placement for incoming students in mathematics courses according to the criteria below: 

ACT ScoreMath Placement
26 and aboveMATH 106, MATH 113, MATH 115, MATH 117, MATH 120 or MATH 253 
22-25MATH 113 
18-21MATH 104, MATH 106
17 and belowUSM 090 


The Accuplacer could place you in a higher-level math class than your ACT/SAT mathematics sub-score recommends. To register for the exam, the Accuplacer Test Request form needs to be completed which is located on the Math Lab website. Additional testing information is sent upon completing this form. Calculators are not allowed on this test. 

If you have specific questions about the test, email 


The TEAS exam is part of the criteria used to determine admittance into the nursing program here at Spalding University. This is a computerized test. The math portion of the TEAS exam has 38 questions that covers material related to numbers, algebra, measurement, and data. A basic calculator will be provided. This portion of the exam is 54 minutes. You may retake the exam once if not successful. Prior review of material is strongly suggested. 

If you have questions about requirements for application and preparation for School of Nursing, email Jane Mostue, 

If you have questions related to the test and dates, email Cibi Papu John-Sripathi at


The Praxis® tests help Kentucky educators demonstrate their knowledge of content, pedagogy and instructional skills for the classroom. These tests are important components of Kentucky's licensure and certification process and include: 

  • Praxis® Core Academic Skills for Educators (Core) — comprehensive assessments that measure the skills and content knowledge of candidates entering teacher preparation programs. The tests measure academic skills in reading, writing and mathematics deemed by teacher educators to be essential for all candidates preparing to be teachers, no matter what content area or grade-level they aspire to teach. 
  • Praxis® Subject Assessments — tests that measure general and subject-specific content knowledge that you need for beginning teaching.

If you have questions related to the test, email Dr. Barbara Foster, 

Visit the ETS website for more detailed information



For any Math Lab or scheduling questions email Jennifer Kiser, Math Lab Coordinator,