General Residence Hall Procedures | Spalding University Student Handbook

General Residence Hall Procedures

On-Campus Living Requirement

Spalding University believes that the opportunities for learning from others, for developing social and interpersonal skills and for personal growth are greatly enhanced by on-campus residency. All full time undergraduate students under the age of 21 or with less than 89 credit hours are required to live in the residence halls or with a local parent/legal guardian. Students in the Adult Accelerated Program, Graduate students and students 21 year of age or older are exempted from this policy; however, they may reside in student housing if they request to do so. Exemptions may be made in special cases (i.e., student has a medical need, financial need, spouse, or dependent in their care) but must have prior approval from the Appeal Committee. If a student does not live with a parent/legal guardian or in the halls and has not applied for an exemption, the student may be subject to judicial sanctioning from the University and/or housing fines.


Housing Fees

All students living on campus are required to pay a $100 nonrefundable housing application fee each year before a housing assignment can be made.  After the end of the first full week of the semester, the Housing Contract is binding and all residence hall fees are non-refundable for either voluntary or involuntary withdrawals. Students are financially obligated for the entire academic year, with the exception of students who have completed their academic requirements and are eligible to graduate or who are participating in a Spalding study abroad program. If a student voluntarily elects to vacate his/her room early, the full amount will still be charged. Early termination of the housing contract may result in a $500 early termination fee.


Residence Hall Check-In Procedures

  • Retrieve your move in packet from the Front Desk, which will contain your room key(s), your mailbox key/code, your Spalding ID card, and any important information. 
  • Sign out your keys.
  • Go over your room condition form (RCF) with your RA. Your RA will review any damages to the room with you and will mark them on your RCF. If you notice any damages that were unmarked on your RCF, please bring them to your RA’s attention immediately to avoid charges.


Residence Hall Check-Out Procedures

  • Sign up for a check out time with your RA at least 48 hours in advance, whether you are checking out in the middle of the school year or the end.
  • Remove all belongings from bedroom and common rooms. Any belongings left behind will be thrown away or donated.
  • Remove all posters, tape, Command strips, etc. from walls.
  • Clean bedroom and common area to “broom-clean” standards (dust, sweep, vacuum).
  • Take all trash to the dumpsters.
  • Complete check-out with RA.
  • Check mailbox and complete forwarding address from.
  • Return all keys and cable boxes to the Front Desk.

Failure to properly complete a checkout many result in an improper checkout fee of $100.  In addition, students who stay beyond the required check out time will be charged $50 per half hour after the required check out time has passed. For example, if the check-out time is 6pm and you stay until 7pm you will be charged $100.  Failure to return keys will result in the student paying to replace each key.  Damages will be assessed at time of checkout and fines will be determined the following week.

Room Change Procedures

Sometimes, conflicts cannot be resolved and personalities do not mesh as well as expected. Students will not be released from their housing requirement in the case of a roommate conflict, but a room transfer process does exist. Students are not permitted to switch rooms during Session 1. If a student decides they would benefit from a room switch, they should follow these steps:

  1. Talk to your roommate and RA. When roommate conflicts occur, students are expected to have made reasonable efforts to resolve the conflict before switching rooms. These efforts include speaking to your roommate directly and asking your RA for assistance.
  2. Roommate mediation.  In many cases, conflicts can be resolved with a little assistance. Students may be asked to undergo a roommate mediation with assistance from an RA or a member of the Counseling Center.
  3. Formal Request. If all else fails, students may formally request a room change from the Residence Life Coordinator. Requests should be made via email and should detail why a switch is necessary and where the student would prefer to live instead. The RLC reserves the right to deny the request and ask for further efforts to be made.


Specific details about room changes:

  • Room changes are made based on capacity. Sometimes, switches can be made within a week of the formal request. Other requests may take longer depending on availability.
  • Pricing. Students will not be moved to a higher cost room unless they have specifically requested to do so or if no other options exist. If this occur, students will be notified in advance of the cost difference.
  • Room checkouts. When room switches occur, students are checking out of one room and into another. Students are expected to complete a checkout with their RA and will need to complete a Room Condition Form for their new room.
  • Room changes are not permitted on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation, or political orientation. Unauthorized room changes outside of Residence Life policies will result in the student(s) involved being charged $100 for an improper room change, plus possibly moving back to his/her old space.


Break Periods

During University breaks (Winter Break and Summer Break), all students must find alternative housing, but may leave their belongings behind.  If students need to remain on campus, they may apply for an exemption and pay $20 per night to remain on campus.  Students must also request to remain on campus during Session 7 and will be consolidated to one floor of Morrison Hall.  Before leaving for any break, students must:

  • Unplug minor electrical appliances
  • Remove all garbage and trash
  • Close and lock all windows and blinds
  • Close blinds
  • Remove all necessary personal items. Once students leave for break, they will not be permitted to re-enter the building.


Health and Safety Inspections

During the fourth or fifth week of every session, Res Life staff will enter each resident’s room to ensure cleanliness and adherence to policy/fire code.  Inspection days will not be announced in advance.  Inspections operate under Plain View Policy and RAs will not open drawers, closets, or cabinets unless they have reasonable evidence that a policy violation or health concern has taken place.  If RAs provide items to be corrected, all changes must be made within one week or a $25 fee will be charged to the resident’s student account.