Possession of Hazardous Items or Materials | Spalding University Student Handbook

Possession of Hazardous Items or Materials

Possession of firearms, explosives, other weapons, fireworks or dangerous chemicals on University premises or use of any such item on campus, even if legally possessed, is prohibited.  Additionally, references to such items or materials either verbally, in writing or electronically, in a manner that threatens or seeks to incite or cause fear to others is prohibited.

Specific Conduct Prohibited by this Section Includes but is Not Limited to:

Unauthorized use, possession, or storage of any weapon, ammunition, or realistic replica of a weapon on University premises or at a University-sponsored activity unless an exemption is allowed by the Dean of Students or University Council.

Unauthorized use, possession, or storage of fireworks; destructive device; incendiary, dangerous, or noxious devices or materials; or chemicals that could pose a health risk, either by themselves or in conjunction with other chemicals.