Crime Prevention, Education and Awareness | Spalding University Student Handbook

Crime Prevention, Education and Awareness


 Preventing Crime Through Collaboration and Cooperation

Crime prevention is a top priority of the department. Together with other campus offices, the department provides programs to enhance personal safety, teach proactive crime-reduction strategies, and help community members develop self-esteem, which contributes to a healthy community. 

The campus‘s crime prevention strategy rests on a multilayered foundation of a proactive area patrol of the campus, crime prevention education and training, and building and area security surveys. This approach relies on the dual concepts of eliminating or minimizing criminal opportunities, whenever possible, and encouraging community members to take responsibility of their own and other‘s safety.

The Campus Safety Manager, Auxiliary Services Director and the Dean of Students or the Director of Counseling are available to assist any individual, student group or faculty/department in planning, presenting, and coordinating programs of interest or concern.

Emergency Blue Light Phones

These two-way call boxes are located strategically around campus and allow an individual in need of assistance to speak directly with a Campus Safety officer on duty. Currently these call boxes are located outside Spalding Suites on 2nd Street, between Lots L and K outside the Third Street Academic Center, north of the Republic Bank parking area and at the intersection of Lots D, F, H and E between the College of Health and Natural Sciences and Egan Leadership Center.

Campus Escort Program

The Campus Escort Program is a call-in service for safe, reliable transport between campus locations and locations contiguous to campus which may be used in campus events/activities. Escort is available 24/7 and is available to any member of the Spalding community (students, faculty or staff) by calling 4444 from any campus phone or 502.873.444 from any other phone. 

Campus Safety Facts

● Campus Safety is located in the center of campus off Library Courtyard. To contact Campus Safety call 502.873.4444 or simply 4444 from any campus phone.

● Campus Safety is coordinated through Student Development & Campus Life, with a force of 12 officers supplied through a contract with Universal Protection Services. These men and women participate in ongoing training to upgrade their skills each year. All have been trained in emergency medical procedures, First Aid and CPR. They conduct foot, Segway and bicycle patrols of the campus and residence hall areas 24 hours a day. On campus, the officers enforce university policies outlined in the Student Handbook. They also work very closely with the Louisville Metro Police Department, as well as with the state and federal agencies, to assist them with incidents that may occur on and off-campus. The Louisville Metro Police Department‘s 4th District Office is only three to five minutes from campus.

● Spalding conducts background investigations on critical staff positions at Spalding. Students, faculty, and employees at Spalding have access to academic, recreational, and administrative facilities on campus. Access to the residence halls, however, is limited to residents and their guests, according to University policy. Access to the residence halls by University employees is on an as-needed basis and incorporates strict key control procedures. The general public may attend cultural and recreational events on campus, with their access limited only to the facilities in which these events are held.

● Campus Safety enforces University policies regarding alcohol, the use of controlled substances, and weapons. Illegal drugs are not permitted on campus. Firearms and dangerous weapons of any type are not permitted in the residence halls or on campus by students or employees other than as may be required by the Department of Campus Safety. Intentional use, possession, or sale of firearms or other dangerous weapons by students is strictly forbidden and is a violation of the student Code of Conduct.

● Security officers are on duty 24 hours a day. They also utilize video monitors which are connected to cameras located throughout the campus in public access or circulation areas. When there is an emergency that requires additional support such as the Louisville Metro Police Department and/or the Louisville Fire Department the Campus Safety Manager will make the call. Potential criminal actions and other emergencies on campus can be reported directly by any student, faculty member, or employee to Campus Safety by dialing campus extension 4444 or 502.873.4444. Upon receipt of the call, a Safety Officer immediately responds to the site. Safety Officers prepare and submit Incident Reports to be filed in the Department of Campus Safety as well as the Dean of Students.

● The Facilities Management department maintains the University‘s buildings and grounds under the direction of the University Provost with a concern for safety and security. It inspects campus facilities regularly, promptly makes repairs affecting safety and security, and responds immediately to reports of potential safety and security hazards, such as broken windows, locks and lighting.

● Campus Safety provides assistance to any student who requires the use of accessible parking. If a student who requires accessible parking cannot locate appropriate parking, an officer from Campus Safety will assist in finding suitable parking. An officer from Campus Safety will assist any student who requires the use of accessible parking in reaching that student‘s destination on campus.

Security in the Residence Halls

● The Director of Residence Life, Hall Directors and student Resident Assistants live in the residence halls or in close proximity to the halls and serve in a duty rotation. All Residence Life staff members undergo thorough training in enforcing residence hall safety and security policies. As part of their responsibility for residence hall security, the Residence Life staff participates in workshops associated with the safety and security of the campus conducted by University administrators and Safety officers.

The Student’s Responsibility

●The cooperation and involvement of students themselves in a campus safety program is absolutely necessary. Students must assume responsibility for their own personal safety and the security of their personal belongings by taking simple, common sense precautions. For example, although the campus is well lit, any student (male or female) may feel more comfortable traveling in pairs or using the Campus Safety‘s Escort Service at night. Residence hall room doors should be kept locked when the room is unoccupied. Valuable items, such as laptops, cell phones and televisions should be marked with engraving instruments provided by the Department of Campus Safety at no charge. Campus Safety has three engraving instruments. Bicycles should be secured in the bicycle rack with a sturdy lock. Students with cars should keep their vehicles locked at all times. Valuables should be locked in the trunk. Students should report any suspicious-looking individuals and any unusual incidents to a Campus Safety Officer.