Campus Policing and Security Policies
Campus Policing and Security Policies
Interagency Cooperation
Campus Safety works closely with the Louisville Metro Police Department, as well as with Kentucky State Police. We rely on these relationships for support on several levels. In addition to sharing critical information, Campus Safety has immediate contact with the LMPD 911 Center. This arrangement gives us immediate access to mutual aid and support.
Reporting Criminal Incidents and Other Emergencies
All students, employees, and guests should promptly report criminal incidents, accidents, and other emergencies to Campus Safety by dialing 4444. Individuals also may report incidents in person at the department’s headquarters on Breckenridge Street.
The University has installed emergency two-way call boxes (blue light phones) throughout campus for use during emergencies. By pressing the red button on the stations, users can communicate directly with our Campus Safety. The location of the station is digitally displayed to the safety officer.
Monitoring and Recording Criminal Activity at Off-Campus Organizations
The University relies on its close working relationships with local law enforcement agencies to receive information about incidents involving students on campus. Campus Safety will actively investigate any crime information it receives concerning or involving a member of the campus community. If the University is notified of a situation in which a campus community member is the victim of a crime, the department may issue a Campus Safety Alert, detailing the incident and providing tips so that other community members may avoid similar incidents.
Access to Campus Facilities and Residence Halls
Access to campus buildings and grounds is a privilege extended to students, faculty, staff, and authorized guests. The University encourages an open environment with limited constraints to ensure the reasonable protection of all members of the community. Except for residence halls, most campus facilities are open during weekday business hours. Individuals who wish to access University buildings or property during non-business hours or for special events should contact the appropriate department administrator, Campus Events Coordinator, or Campus Safety.
An automated card access control system is also installed in several academic and residence hall buildings. University members with questions about the system should contact the appropriate department manager or Campus Safety.
Special Procedures for Residence Hall Access
All residence halls are equipped with an automated card access control system. Unlimited access is available to students and authorized staff and faculty via the system. Guests and other visitors may visit residence halls as long as they have been authorized by a member of the community. The exterior doors to student residence halls remain locked 24 hours a day.
In addition to the automated card access control system, all exterior doors in the residence halls are equipped with a centrally monitored electronic alarm system. The doors are monitored 24/7 by MidAmerica Security and by Campus Safety. All doors in residence halls are linked to cameras, which are monitored by Campus Safety.
Security Considerations in the Maintenance of Campus Facilities
Spalding University is committed to campus safety and security. Exterior lighting and landscape control is a critical part of that commitment. Representatives from various departments continually conduct security surveys to ensure campus lighting is adequate and that the landscape is appropriately controlled. Department members conduct routine checks of lighting on campus during regularly assigned patrol duties. If lights are out or dim, officers will initiate an immediate work order, which is acted upon by a representative of the appropriate maintenance office, usually within 24 hours or the next business day. We encourage community members to report any deficiency in lighting to the Campus Facilities. Campus Safety and Facilities work together to identify inoperative locking mechanisms. We encourage community members to promptly report any locking mechanism deficiency to Campus Safety at 4444 or 502.873.4444.
Campus Safety and Facilities staff are available to respond to calls for service regarding unsafe facility conditions or for personal safety and property protection. These conditions also may include unsafe steps or handrails, unsafe roadways on campus, and unsecured equipment.