Spalding University Core Values
Members of the Spalding University community, including students, are expected to become familiar with and to foster in their lives the mission of Spalding University. In its most basic dimension, this means respect first for spiritual values, which include honesty and integrity in human behavior. Closely allied, are respect for other persons and their rights and, as good citizens, respect for the law and authority. University personnel are expected to create an educational environment that is productive, supportive, and conducive to learning at Spalding.
For students, these responsibilities include:
1. Accountability for own learning;
2. Accountability for individual actions;
3. Respect for other persons and the property of others;
4. Abiding by federal, state, and local law, and University policies and regulations; and
5. Honesty.
All proceedings of the Spalding University community are intended to be educational, non-adversarial, and confidential. They are not to be considered analogous to any civil proceedings. The disciplinary process is based on the concepts of fairness and justice. This system emphasizes the equal and just treatment of all parties involved, with due respect for all individual rights and privileges.
The rights of students include, but are not limited to:
1. Right to learn in a diverse community;
2. Right to be free from discrimination and harassment in any form;
3. Right to be treated equally;
4. Right to see all records related to educational programs at Spalding University, in accordance with the Buckley Amendment;
5. Right to participate in campus activities;
6. Right to choose to worship God or not to worship God according to one’s own conscience and choice.