Hazing and Malicious Pranks | Spalding University Student Handbook

Hazing and Malicious Pranks

Hazing means an act which endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student, or which destroys or removes public or private property, for the purpose of initiation, admission into, affiliation with, or as a condition for continued membership in a group or organization. The express or implied consent of the victim will not be a defense. Apathy or acquiescence in the presence of hazing are not neutral acts; they are violations of this code or conduct.

Malicious Pranks means a playful or mischievous act that infringes on a student‘s rights, inflicts physical or psychological pain, or causes personal humiliation or damage to University or personal property. Any action that gives rise to such consequences will be subject to disciplinary action.

Specific Conduct Prohibited by this Section Includes but is Not Limited to:

Intentionally initiating or causing any false report, warning, or threat of fire, explosion, or other emergency. Intentionally or recklessly misusing or damaging fire or other safety equipment.

Hazing, encouraging, facilitating or allowing hazing by any organization or by any individual on behalf of an organization or group (recognized or not recognized by the university), or visitor within Spalding University community. The express or implied consent of the individual will not be a defense. Apathy or acquiescence in the presence of hazing is not a neutral act; it is a violation of this rule.

Transmitting, recording or photographing the image or voice of another person without that person’s knowledge or consent. This policy includes recording/photographing while in an environment that is considered private or where there is an expectation of privacy, such as a locker room, residence or bathroom.

Deliberate constraint, detainment or incapacitation of another, without that person's explicit knowledge or consent. Engaging in harassment.