Gender Inclusive Restroom Locations | Spalding University Student Handbook

Gender Inclusive Restroom Locations

Gender Inclusive Restroom Locations

We encourage students to use the restroom which corresponds to the gender with which they identify.  The following are locations on campus for restrooms which are not designated by gender in an effort to provide this opton for students who prefer non-gendered restrooms.   



Mansion West

2nd Floor (accessible)

Mansion East

Lower Level (outside studio), South Stairwell, 2nd Floor


2nd Floor (accessible) 

University Center Building

2nd & 3rd Floors North near Stairwells 

Teilhard Hall

Lower Level 

2nd Floor (accessible) 

3rd Floor 

Third Street Academic Center

2nd Floor West 

Kosair College of Health and Natural Sciences

1st Floor South (accessible) 

Morrison Hall

1st Floor South