Annual Procedures for RSOs
Annual Re-Registration
- It is required that all RSOs re-register annually. This involves updating your organization information via the Pelican Cup application each Spring. If you do not update your constitution, your organization will be held responsible to the last updated copy on file on the portal.
- Your organization must be re-registered before the start of the next academic year, or you will not be allowed access to your budget and may possibly lose your RSO status. Please remember to add the date to your Constitution if you turn in a revised copy.
- This annual re-registration process is required by SDCL to maintain more reliable files and to be of better service to you
- Any time a change is made in RSO advisor, officers, or contact person, please submit those changes to the Director of Student Leadership.
Recognition & Renewal Process
Student organizations bring so much life to the college experience and it is important to the university that your contributions to campus and community life are formally recognized. At Spalding University, we recognize your added significance to our community in three notable ways, The Pelican Cup, The Pelican Awards and RSO Appreciation Week. It is also important to the university that we support you in continuing your good work year after year. In order to do that we need to know that your organization is committed to another year of work, if there are any changes in leadership and membership, as well as changes to your mission and membership requirements. Fortunately, the renewal process has been seamlessly integrated with the Pelican Cup application process.
Pelican Cup
The Pelican Cup accomplishes two important goals. One, it recognizes outstanding student organizations for the great work they did for the campus community and beyond throughout the year and rewards them for that collective work with up to $1,000. Two, it is the official renewal process for organizations that want to continue to enjoy the benefits of being an RSO the following academic year. When you submit your application for the Pelican Cup you’re also giving the University useful information about your great contributions so the SGA can advocate for more and better support of all that you do (space, money, resources, etc.). Applications and nominations are due March 30th and winners will be announced at the Annual Pelican Ball in April.
The application assesses your organization’s involvement in the following areas: community service, campus events, organizational promotion, Rat Race and fundraising. Application rubric can be found in Appendix A.
Pelican Awards
The Student Government Association recognizes the many individual contributions of RSOs at the annual Pelican Ball through the Pelican Awards. Winners are determined based on your nominations. The Pelican Awards nomination form is attached to the Pelican Cup Report Back Application to make the process seamless and convenient. We encourage you to recognize your members for their contributions. Awards are granted for the following categories:
- Outstanding Advisor
- Outstanding Student Leader
- Outstanding Member
- Organizational Growth
- Outstanding Campus Event
- Outstanding Community Service
- Outstanding Fundraiser
RSO Appreciation Week
Once a year, the Student Government Association celebrates Recognized Student Organization Appreciation Week at Spalding. Be on the lookout for goodies and activities to celebrate the positive contribution you make on our campus and in our community.