Financial Procedures
All financial forms are available on the portal and paper forms will be available upon request from the Director of Student Leadership.
Only the President of the RSO, treasurer or financial officer, and RSO advisor will be given information regarding an RSO’s account (e.g., balance, account number, etc.). It is your responsibility to keep copies of all paperwork you submit and to follow up if you have not received confirmation of payment. Failure to follow these procedures will result in a delay or denial of payment. If you have any questions regarding these procedures, it is your responsibility to contact the SGA Treasurer or Director of Student Leadership. All RSOs are encouraged to maintain fund records through the use of spreadsheets.
Responsibility for tracking balances for your RSO and insuring proper assignment of expenses to your account belongs to each organization. Your RSO, its officers, advisor(s), and membership are responsible for all financial matters of each respective organization. Budget updates can be obtained through the Finance Office.
Recognized Student Organization Accounts
All recognized student organizations are assigned a university bank account. The account is for organizational funds only. Any money fundraised for your organization should be stored in the university account and not in a personal account off-campus. Your university account number should be used on all dining services catering requests and transfer of funds between organizations. To request cash advances, purchase orders or expense reimbursements you must know your student organization account number.
Financial Responsibility
Each organization shall be responsible for its own financial solvency. If an organization’s expenditures exceed its income, the financial officer of that organization shall be held liable.
Payments to Students
No member of an organization receiving funds from the student budget fund may be paid for his/her services without the approval of the Student Government Association and the Finance Office. Any payment to students for services will require processing through payroll and necessary tax paperwork. Please contact the Finance Office to set up payment for a student.
Each RSO is responsible for managing their financial responsibilities. If the RSO’s expenses exceed its income the financial officer or treasurer will be held liable. Establishing an annual budget for the RSO’s planned events and activities will assist in following the listed financial responsibilities. This includes tracking balances for appropriate allocation of funds for projects
Spalding Account & Reports
- It is your responsibility to submit all required paperwork and keep copies of paperwork
- Additionally, it is your responsibility to follow up if no confirmation has been received
Budget/ Rollover Requests
- RSO budgets automatically roll from fall to spring.
- RSO budgets automatically roll from spring to fall.
- Organizations are required to submit a copy of their records to SGA along with the budget requests. All organizations are responsible for keeping accurate records of their finances at all times.
Please be aware that making purchases through Spalding is a more complicated transaction than when you make a personal purchase. Purchases require advanced planning. Depending on the purchase, anywhere from two weeks to a month may be required. You should consult with your advisor or the Director of Student Leadership if you have questions about how long a purchase may take or are unclear about which payment option to use. Spalding University is tax exempt. The University will never reimburse someone for sales tax on a purchase (restaurant tax, out of state tax, and hotel tax are the only exceptions).
Paying Vendors
There are 3 ways to obtain funds for paying vendors: Purchase Orders, Check Requests, and Reimbursements
Purchase Orders (PO)
Always ask if a business accepts purchase orders. If a business accepts purchase orders, that is the method of procurement that should be utilized.
POs are the most common form of processing purchasing request and should be used for purchases from a vendor that will bill the RSO/institution. A purchase order is a temporary, one-time use authorization for ordering from a company. You must fill out a Purchase Order Request Form, which can be obtained at the Finance Office located at 829 S. 3rd Street.
In order to complete this form, the RSO must secure vendor information, including if a PO has been used with the vendor before. The PO Request should then be submitted to the RSO Advisor for approval, and then submitted to the Finance Office for final signature. Your RSO will then use the Purchase Order, which is Spalding’s promise to pay for the item; the company takes in lieu of payment up front. The RSO may only place the order after you have received the approved PO.
When the items arrive, sign the golden copy of the purchase order and return to the Finance Office. If you receive the invoice from the company, forward to the Finance Office with the purchase order number noted on the invoice.
- Please submit all PO requests a minimum of two weeks in advance (1 month in advance for promotional items).
- The PO request will not be processed if your request is not complete.
- If the business does not have a complete W-9 form on file Spalding University Finance Office, you are responsible for securing a completed W-9 form and submitting it to the Finance Office via email. The W-9 requires a business contact signature. A W-9 must be submitted annually. W-9 forms can be found at
- You may not finalize an order with any vendor without an approved PO.
- You will receive your PO number within 1 week (under normal conditions) from the Finance Office. At this time, you may place order. Some vendors require a paper copy; please specify this at time of submitting the information.
- It is your responsibility to place the order for your materials unless other arrangements have been made.
- Copies of all POs are kept on file in the Finance Office.
- If you receive an invoice, turn it into the Finance Office.
When Talking to a Potential Vendor Ask:
- Do you accept PO’s?
- Could you please send me a copy of your W-9 form if Spalding does not have one already?
- Do you need a paper copy of the PO or may I just give you the PO number?
- Do you need any tax-exempt information from my RSO?
Check Requests
[Form found in Appendix A]
To be used for pre-payment of services, fees, subscriptions, etc.
(Ex. speakers, off-campus rentals, fundraiser supplies, conference registrations, etc.)
The Spalding Finance Office processes Student Budget Fund checks once per week. All check requests must be submitted to the to the Finance Office by Wednesday at 12:00 pm in order to receive a check on Friday of the same week
Do not forget to:
- Write in the Social Security or Fed I.D. number (9-digit number that all businesses have)
- List the account number (RSO name does not suffice)
- Attach documentation of the fee (invoice, contract, etc.)
The check request will be returned to you if not complete. It is recommended that check requests be submitted two weeks before the check is needed.
If the Finance Office does not have a completed W-9 form, which requires a business contact signature, submit it along with the check request form.
The Finance Office will mail checks unless there are specific directions on the check request to do otherwise.
Spalding University is sales tax exempt, if a vendor is requesting payment that includes sales tax then request a sales tax exempt form from the Finance Office or the Director of Student Leadership.
Reimbursement Forms
Reimbursement forms are to be used only for items that cannot be purchased using a check request or purchase order. We do not advise the use of personal funds for institutional purchase, but acknowledge that sometimes this is the only option. Please follow the guidelines below, which are for your protection. Failure to follow these guidelines could result in non-reimbursement.
- We are a tax-exempt institution; therefore, you will not be reimbursed for the taxes on your purchases. You must obtain a tax-exempt form from the Director of Student Leadership or the Finance Officer prior to making a purchase.
- You must submit a completed Expense Claim Form and all original itemized receipts, within 1 week of the purchase, or upon return from a trip, to your RSO advisor by 4:00 pm on Monday in order to receive payment on Friday of the same week. Failure to turn in receipts in a timely manner WILL result in non-reimbursement. This form needs to be completed on a computer and then printed out for signatures. NOTE: Credit card receipts are not itemized. If you make a purchase with a credit card, make sure you get a copy of the itemized receipt as well.
- If you are being reimbursed for a meal or activity where admission was charged you must provide a list of all people who partook. You may write the names OR student ID numbers on the back of the itemized receipt.
- Reimbursement should not be used as a backup when procrastination results in failure to follow proper procedures.
- Direct Deposit of Reimbursements
- If you would like to receive your reimbursement faster, please visit the Spalding Portal and click the link for direct deposit on the Link Launcher.
- Direct deposit refunds will post to your account with 48 hours. You can select your Eagle Card bank account or another savings or checking account to receive direct deposit.
- Look for this logo on the portal and have your routing and account number available.
Tax Exempt Forms
- When making any purchase (with check, PO, reimbursement or petty cash), you must use a tax-exempt form.
- As a RSO you are eligible to use Spalding’s tax exemption identification number for purchases. Contact Janelle Rae at for the tax ID number.
- As stated above, you will not be reimbursed for the taxes on your purchases.
- Spalding is not exempt from hotel taxes or restaurant tax. If you travel or dine in a restaurant, your organization will have to pay taxes. An RSO will be reimbursed for such taxes.
Monies to be deposited into your account (e.g. dues, money from fundraiser, donations, etc.)
- Bring all monies to the Finance Office located at 829 S. Third Street within one week of collection.
- Have your student organization account number
- If you need to make arrangements to store funds after an event, contact the Director of Student Leadership or the Finance Office.
- Complete a deposit slip. These are located in the front of the Finance Office.
- Money should already be counted and a Finance Office staff member will re-count.
- The Finance Office will not be held accountable for money left without obtaining a receipt.
- An excess of coins must be rolled before being brought to the office
Ordering Promotional Items
Promotional items are a great way to advertise your organization, create team spirit and thank your members. From pens to t-shirts to stress balls, there is an endless array of fun items to introduce people to your organization. The Spalding University logo and name may be used on promotional items but the items must be approved by the Director of Student Leadership. You can procure catalogs for promotional items in the SDCL Student Leadership office or find a local or national company online. We do not restrict ordering to any particular company. Please follow the guidelines for paying vendors.
We encourage you to create a logo for your organization. You can design the logo and share it with the marketing department for a high-resolution electronic version or you can work with the marketing department to create a logo. Please allow at least a month to have your logo designed. Contact Larry Jackson in Marketing at or 502.873.4392.
Purchasing Office Supplies
- All office supplies should be purchased as the Spalding University Bookstore. Many items are kept in stock there, and other items are ordered daily upon request of an item not stocked in the bookstore.
- Outside Vendors- Other needed supplies that cannot be bought or ordered from the Campus Bookstore can be bought from an outside vendor.
- Please follow all financial procedures when purchasing supplies from an outside vendor (i.e., the use of purchase orders or check requests, etc.).
All RSOs are expected to provide for their own funding needs through membership fees or fundraising events. The SGA does set aside money for RSO support but organizations should not depend on SGA to meet their budgetary needs.
Parking Lots
Recognized student organizations are eligible to utilize Spalding University parking lots for fundraising during the year. This is a great fundraiser in that it requires very little pre-planning, no upfront costs and no overhead. Typically groups charge between $5 and $10 to park. All in all, we have up to 8 lots that have the potential to make money. You determine when to open the lot. This is a first-come, first-granted fundraiser. Your use of the lots is contingent upon no other major University events requiring use of the lots. While there are some typical events around which to fundraise, you can also fundraise around events at Memorial Auditorium (across from Morrison Hall). Just check their online calendar.
Major events:
- St. James Art Show (First weekend of October)*$5
- Thunder over Louisville (Two weeks before Derby)
- Pegasus Parade (Thursday before Derby)
Materials needed:
- Volunteers (consider shifts so no one gets burned out)
- Chairs for volunteers
- Something to read or listen to
- Signs advertising the cost
- Money box or security bag
- Change (probably $20 in $5 bills)
Kroger Community Rewards
Non-profit organizations have the opportunity to raise money through the Kroger Community Rewards program. If a Kroger member designates your organization as a beneficiary, every time they swipe their card your organization will receive a kickback. To register for the rewards, contact the Director of Student Leadership for a letter designating your status as a non-profit affiliate of Spalding University. Visit for more information.
Dining for Dollars
Some restaurants provide fundraising opportunities for organization. Most have their own policies and procedures for securing the venue for a fundraiser. Contact your favorite restaurant to inquire about fundraising options.
Just Creations
Just Creations offers holiday shopping night for fundraising. Registration generally in September and you can call to schedule an event. Student groups are responsible for getting supporters there on the scheduled night.
All fundraiser profits must be deposited within two business days after completion of the fundraiser.
Any RSO wanting to hold a raffle must read the following specific guidelines. The guidelines can be obtained from the Finance Office.
There are strict laws that must be followed when conducting raffles. All raffles must be approved by the Director of Student Leadership and the University Controller.
Fundraising for a 3rd party
- All RSOs are required to raise funds for their own operations, but no Student Budget Funds may be allocated to non-Spalding organizations or charities.
- RSOs may participate in fundraisers, which benefit outside (off-campus) organizations. All fundraising activities must be in keeping with the mission and vision of the University. The organization should have 501c3 status, and demonstrate proper use of funds and contributions through its audits and/or annual reports.
- Please consult with the Director of Student Leadership for recommendations on the best ways to handle money when fundraising for a 3rd party.
SGA Funding Support
Recognized Student Organization Aid
Any Recognized Student Organization may petition the SGA for organizational aid using the Grant Request form on the portal. In order to be considered for aid an organization must:
- Have a current constitution on file
- Have a current application on file
- Have an updated membership list on file
- Be in good standing
Additional considerations, which will boost the likelihood of funding:
- Publicize at least one activity per year to the entire campus community
- Participate in at least one volunteer activity for the campus or community each year
- Have some form of dues or fundraising activity
Factors Considered in Disbursing Aid
- The total amount of money available
- The size of the organization
- The number of students served by the group’s activities
- The group’s function and activities
- The past use of funds (the comparison of budget and disbursements from previous years and the economical use of funds)
- Contribution to the University’s goals, values, etc.
- Availability of funds from other sources
- Fundraising record
- Registered activities from the previous year
- Number and scope of services provided
- Service Record
Appropriate Usage of Funds
Money from SGA may not be used for the following:
- Donations to charity, political groups, or as gifts to coaches and advisors.
- Payment for coaches
- Purchase of alcoholic beverages and other substances
Fund Request Form
- The fund request form may be used to request funds from the SGA.
- The fund request form must be turned no later than 2 weeks before the funds are required for your designated request.
- Fund Request forms should contain detailed and itemized information about the purchases to be made on behalf of the organization.
- The fund request form can be found on the portal.
Travel Policy
The Transportation Policy applies to any students traveling for University affiliated programs that have been approved by the University.
All travel by student organizations must be approved by the RSO advisor or the Director of Student Leadership.
No alcohol, tobacco or drugs shall be consumed or carried in any vehicles while on University related trips. The University’s liability extends only to approved travel and activities related directly to the University-related functions. The University’s policies related to travel apply regardless of the form of transportation and whether or not the transportation is public, private, or university owned.
Although Spalding sanctioned events are covered by the University’s insurance, drivers may also be held accountable should litigation occur due to driver negligence or error. The University’s liability extends only to travel and activities related to University-related functions.
Funding for travel is the responsibility of the individual or the Recognized Student Organizations. Any organization may petition for funding from the Student Government Association for travel. Funding may or may not be granted according to the discretion of the SGA. Instructions for requesting these funds can be found below.
Travel Funding Procedures
- Clubs and Organizations will fill out a grant request form and submit it to the Treasurer. These submissions should occur at least three weeks before travel. Summer travel should be requested at the beginning of the spring semester.
- Once the request form is received, the SGA Executive Board will meet to distribute the club travel money to petitioning Recognized Student Organizations.
- Clubs and Organizations will have the opportunity to meet with the Student Government Association Executive Board to discuss their proposal. The advisor for the club or organization as well as a student representative is encouraged to attend this session. The Student Government Association Executive Board reserves the right to call upon any club or organization to give reasons for the amount of money requested for club travel or any other expenditure to be covered by the Student Budget Fund.
- Each club must be aware of all Club Travel policies and regulations as set forth by Spalding.
- The maximum amount a club or organization is able to receive will be set by the following procedure: a total of 5 members may be awarded no more than $150.00 each and an additional $150.00 may be set aside for the advisor of the club or organization per semester.
- If a club or individual wishes to request more than $150 per person, they may come before the assembly to request funding for their travel.
- Any recognized student organization may petition the Student Government Association for funds to help pay for travel. In order to be considered for aid an organization must:
Criteria for Requesting Aid for Travel
- Have a current application on file.
- Have an updated membership list on file.
- Participate in at least one volunteer activity for the campus or community each year.
- Have some form of dues or fundraising activity.
- Be in good standing.
- In addition, clubs must take some active role in sharing what they have learned or gained from their travel with members of the campus community.
- Clubs must also- Understand that because of the extensive costs involved with a club traveling that the process of the Student Government Association dispersing funds is meant to be an aid or help to clubs and organizations not a way of funding the whole trip.
- Submit a detailed budget about the costs of the trip and exactly what they will be doing when they travel.
Factors Considered in Disbursing Aid for Club Travel
In order of priority - factors considered in the distribution of funds include:
- The total amount of money available.
- The benefit or impact on Spalding University.
- The contributions that will be brought back to campus and the contribution to the University's image as a result from the trip.
- Fundraising record. Specifically, the amount of funds raised compared to the amount requested for the travel.
- The impact that the organization makes on campus. Including the organizations registered activities from the previous year, and the number of students served by the organization and its activities.
- The past use of funds. The examination of the disbursements from previous years and the economical use of funds by the club or organization.
- The number of people from the organization traveling.