Organizing Meetings and Events | Spalding University Student Handbook

Organizing Meetings and Events


As the mission states, Spalding University is a diverse community of learners...with emphasis on service and the promotion of peace and justice.  It is important that our student organizations embody that mission and operate in ways that are inclusive of our community.  You should always think about how your choices regarding programming and service, including language and traditions, affect the entire Spalding community.  Are you promoting compassion and a willingness to understand others or are you perpetuating stereotypes and binary thinking? As an institution of higher learning, we must all work to recognize the humanity in all people and create the kind of community where we can all thrive.  Hate speech and discriminatory actions will not be tolerated.  

Conducting Meetings

Strategies for conducting productive group meetings:

  • Be prepared- Agendas are useful and can help keep the conversations focused
  • Have goals that you wish to accomplish by the end of the meeting
  • Have a selected member take notes during the meeting
  • Start on time and end on time- If you have to go over the set time, let members know that the meeting is running over and that it will wrap up soon
  • Verbalize the established goals for the meeting
  • Be respectful
  • Allow others to finish speaking before speaking
  • Validate different perspectives
  • Consider all options before making a conclusion
  • Allow for an open discussion
  • Ask for input from members
  • Utilize open-ended questions to gather information
  • Summarize discussion
  • State main points of meeting
  • Make arrangements for due dates or assign tasks
  • Schedule next meeting
  • Send meeting minutes to members

Event Planning

Your organization should plan an event/program each semester (every 3 sessions) to improve the student experience. Events can range from social to educational, for a cause or simply for fun. When planning an event, there are many factors to consider:


  • Who will be involved with planning and implementing the event?
  • Are committees appropriate and who will be on them? Who needs to approve the event?


  • What will the event accomplish? Is it necessary?
  • Who is your target population (members, campus, neighborhood, city, etc.)?
  • How many people do you anticipate attending?
  • What are the costs involved with the event?
  • Consider food, supplies, advertising, tickets, prizes, transportation off campus, etc. Should the event be cosponsored with another group?


  • Does the date conflict with major exams, holidays, or other important events around campus?


  • Where will the event be held?
  • Does the location meet your visibility and configuration needs?
  • Do you have a backup location for inclement weather?


  • What needs to be done to advertise the event—posters, e-mail, or personal contact
  • When does the advertising need to go out?
  • Who will be in charge of coordinating ads?


  • What is the purpose of our event?
  • What are our goals? Why are we doing this?
  • How does this event support the vision and scope of our group?

Event Planning Timeline

Before an event: (4-6 weeks away from event date)

  • Think about your audience. Who are you programming for?
  • How do you know that this is an event your audience will like? What are some strategies you used to gauge interest?
  • What dates are you thinking for this event? Why? What else is happening on campus and in the community around this time?
  • What are your space needs? How many people would you like to attend? What sort of technology or materials will you need in this space?
  • What is your budget?
  • Contact any organizations you would like to collaborate with.

Initial Planning: (4 weeks away from event date)

  • Check the campus calendar to look for conflicts with the date you are considering.
  • Think through your publicity. Who do you want to attend? How are they going to hear about your event?
  • What vendors or outside resources will you need (i.e. sound system, promotional materials)?
  • Get approval for any guerilla marketing tactics you would like to use.
  • How many volunteers or other people will you need to carry out your event?
  • Reserve your event through the Event Request form on the portal and wait for approval    
  • Order catering if necessary.

Confirming plans: (2 weeks away from event date)

  • Confirm all orders, check requests, and purchase orders with the Finance Office
  • Send event details to performers, vendors, volunteers, and your ideal audience.
  • Confirm catering if necessary.
  • Come up with a decorations plan, secure decorations.
  • Reserve technology needs with the Learning Resource Center
  • Reserve setup needs with the Facilities department.
  • Begin physical and digital advertising campaigns.
  • Create a way to evaluate the success or failure of your program.

Holding your event: (week/day of)

  • Create tasks lists for everyone involved and ensure that everyone knows the roll that they are playing.
  • Think through the logistics, do you have enough trashcans? What is the flow of the room going to be?
  • Do you have someone greeting your guests, handing out programs, etc.?

After your event: (week after)

  • Remit all receipts and invoices from everyone involved to the Finance Office.
  • Have you met with your advisor to discuss the success or failure of the event?
  • Write thank you notes to everyone who helped you along the way.

Space Reservation

  • Rooms must be reserved through the Event Request form on the portal so SDCL and the Campus Safety Office have a record of your meeting or event and its location. This will ensure your room is unlocked and ready for your arrival.
  • All events must be submitted on the portal at least 2 weeks prior to requested event.
  • If submitted after this time, your request may be denied.
  • Due to space limitation it is encouraged to submit requests as early as possible
  • Events that do not fall directly in line with the stated mission of the student organization of University may require further review by the Director of Student Leadership
  • You are not to announce meetings or events until you have received confirmation of your reservation from the SDCL
  • If your event is cancelled please update your reservation request immediately; failure to do so may result in temporary loss of reservation privileges
  • The RSO and contact person reserving the location are responsible for all damages
  • Please complete the Event Request Form (Form in Appendix A)

Information needed for the form

  • Title of Event
  • Submitter Name
  • Room Requested
  • Start and End Dates of Event
  • Start and End Times of Event
  • Description of the Event- May upload a flyer.
  • RSO or Department Name
  • Contact information
  • Number of Guests (Capacity needed)
  • Any Technology Needed
  • Additional information can be left in “Comment” box and bottom of form

Reserving Tables in High Traffic Areas

  • RSOs needing a table set up for PR or for a fundraising project (e.g., bake sale), must register the event.  RSOs will be responsible for setting up their own tables in the Egan Leadership Center.  Tables and chairs are located in the north stairwell.
  • Large campus events that will take place outside and require more tables and chairs than we have on campus will require the use of a rental company.  Contact SDCL for assistance with this need. 
  • Many rooms on campus have permanent A/V capability. However, if you are in a room that does not, the LRC can provide A/V equipment.
  • You are responsible for reserving any equipment needed for meetings or events through LRC.

A/V Requests

  • There is no cost for this service
  • Arrangements must be made in advance

  • LRC is designed to support basic classroom needs and does not have the ability to support large events. Should an event require the rental of large equipment the rental must be approved by your advisor must follow all financial guidelines.
  • All catering for all on-campus events must be done through Dining Services; RSOs will not be reimbursed for outside catering without prior approval.
  • Confirm your event with catering 1 week, and also 1 day prior to your event. Please remember to cancel your catering request if your event is postponed or cancelled. In the event of a cancellation made within 48 hours of the scheduled event, your organization is responsible for any food production costs incurred up to that time.
  • Catering can also supply table linens if you would like them for your event; contact catering for linen prices
  • You are responsible for propene and grill tools. Grill tools may be borrowed from the Residence Hall. Contact Deanna Kirby at or (502) 873-4424.
  • Catering requests are to be made two weeks prior to your event by completing the Catering Services Request Form and returning it to Chef Brian Baker. Should you want a customized menu you may discuss your event with Chef Baker.


Room Setup

All room set up requests for large, indoor events should go to Juanita George, Operations Coordinator, Facilities Management at or by telephone at 502-873-4338. Setup for outdoor events that require the use of tens of tables and chairs and/or a tent will need to be arranged through a rental company. Contact SDCL for support. 

Stages are located in the following rooms (contact Facilities for sizes, drapery and A/V capabilities)

  • UC Auditorium: 36’ x 32’
  • CORF Ballroom: 10’ x 25’
  • Troutman Lectorium: 27’ x 22’

Facility Rental Policy

Spalding University provides educational programs for undergraduate, graduate and AAP students. It is the primary goal of this university to provide for the core mission of education. Once these goals are met, facilities are available for rental to outside groups and businesses as availability permits. Priority for rental is given to the following groups:

  1. Spalding University Departments and Functions
  2. Recognized University Student Organizations
  3. Not For Profit Organizations
  4. General Public

This policy applies to all university buildings and grounds managed by the University. Reservations may be made by individuals and groups completing a reservation form and submitting it to the Auxiliary Services Department a minimum of two weeks prior to the event.                                                               

General Rental Guidelines

  1. Spalding University reserves the right to determine the potential harm to facilities and may reject any request not in line with the University's guidelines.
  2. The scheduling of events will be based on space availability and approval by the Auxiliary Department.
  3. All rental events needing catering services will utilize university catering dining services.
  4. Groups renting space may not disturb normal university functions.
  5. Groups renting space will be financially responsible for any additional cleaning, maintenance or repairs needed following the event.
  6. Groups renting space will be financially responsible for additional security needed during their event.
  7. Groups renting space are required to observe all applicable policies of the University and the local, state and federal laws.
  8. The university is not responsible for any lost, stolen or damaged property belonging to the members of the rental group utilizing the facilities.
  9. The university reserves the right to deny use or continued use of its facilities to any person or organization not complying with applicable policies and procedures.
  10. All university rental spaces are smoke-free and alcohol-free facilities. The university may grant special requests for alcohol service at their discretion.

Spalding University Room Capacity

University Center Ballroom- 400               

University Center Gymnasium- 400          

University Center Auditorium- 300           

College Street Ballroom- 300                                  

Egan Leadership Center Troutman Lectorium- 120

Mansion Dining Room/Parlor- 50  

Presidential Dining Room- 45                    

College Street Commons Dining Room- 45

Mansion Chapel- 20                                    

Spalding Classrooms- Varied Sizes

Maintenance/ Cleaning Service

Groups renting facilities may be charged a maintenance fee for the repair or replacement of any damaged furniture or items needed to be repaired to allow for proper operation of the facility. A cleaning service fee may be assessed for any rental space not returned to its previous condition following the event.


All groups using university facilities shall indemnify and hold harmless Spalding University, its Trustees, officers, employees, agents, programs and entities against all damages, claims, liability due to loss of the property of others or any other liability arising out of its use of the university facilities.

Signage and Decorations

No signage or decorations are permitted without the prior approval of auxiliary services. Tape, tacks or nails are not allowed on any walls, woodwork, tables, monitors or screens. Groups will be billed for any damages that occur during their event.

Sale of Merchandise

Groups are not allowed to sell merchandise or contract with outside vendors to sell products in the facilities without prior approval from Spalding University.


Spalding University may designate the parking lots to be used for your events. All Spalding University parking regulations must be strictly adhered to. Spalding University is not responsible for any damage to a car or theft that results from the use of our parking lots.

Alcohol Policy

Spalding University does not permit alcohol or other substances on campus. For additional information regarding institutional, city, and state laws refer to the Student Handbook.

Gambling Policy

Charitable gaming covers games of chances (e.g., raffles), not games of skill.

Games of skill do not require the license change and are acceptable.

In order to have a game of chance the RSO will be charged a $25 license change fee for charitable gaming coverage

Some of the major characteristics of a game of skill are as follows:

  • A skillful player will win more than an unskillful one.
  • Skill can be learned from experience.
  • Obtained from Sherrod’s article “Basics: Common Law Definitions and Formats of Gambling and Quasi Gambling Games”

Examples of games of skills

  • Fill a jar with an item (beans, pennies, paper clips) something small.  Then the person pays $2.00 to guess the amount of items in the jar.
  • Charitable gaming sees this as a game of skill and not chance.

For more information regarding examples of games of skills contact the Finance Office at (502) 585-7185.


Due to copyright laws, stipulations apply to screening movies on our campus

  • Movie rights will need to be purchased for a film (a process facilitated by the SDCL) if:
  • You plan to advertise the film being screened to the general population of Spalding University (this includes posters, the portal, or any social media announcements of the film event)
  • You plan to invite individuals from outside the Spalding University community to the movie screening
  • Movie rights will not needs to be purchased for the film if:
  • This film screening is tied to a class or academic discussion facilitated by a Spalding University faculty member
  • The film will not be advertised and will be shown exclusively to members of your organization


Speakers, entertainers, or any outside vendor who will provide a service should be contracted.

  • For any event in which a contracted speaker or artist will be used, the sponsoring RSO advisor and contact person are required to meet with the Director of Student Leadership before any contract will be signed. Allow at least one month for processing.
  • Upon approval, the contract will be signed by the CFO.  Students and advisors are NOT authorized to sign any contract. This protects individuals from personal liability.
  • The contract must be signed before any arrangements are made and before the event is announced or publicized.
  • When developing a paid contract with an outside vendor, the Spalding Business Office must   have   a   current, signed   copy   of   the   vendor   or   artist’s   W-9 tax form and Certificate of Insurance.