RSO Description & Responsibilities
Recognized Student Organizations
A recognized student organization (RSO) shall be defined as a group of Spalding students (it may include faculty, staff, administrators, alumni, and/or spouses and other networks as deemed appropriate) joined together in the pursuit of a common purpose or to promote their common interest. Only Spalding students may hold positions of office. The purpose of the organization shall be in support of the mission, ideals and values of Spalding University. The organization must be reviewed by the Director of Student Leadership and then chartered by SGA.
Student organizations are considered affiliated with, but not official units of Spalding University. Student organizations agree to abide by all University regulations as a condition of their recognized status. Organizations establish their affiliation with the campus through the Office of Student Leadership and must renew that affiliation each year.
In recognizing organizations, Spalding University affirms the value of diversity. In no way do the goals, values, or events of one organization represent the entire Spalding Community. Recognition of a student organization in no way implies that Spalding University necessarily endorses positions or points of view espoused privately or publicly by members of recognized student organizations.
Recognized student organizations are open to all students without regard to race, creed, color, gender, sexual orientation, physical impairment, religion, national or ethnic origin or age as a condition for University recognition. Social fraternities and sororities are permitted under Title IX to open membership to only those students of like gender.
Rights of Recognized Student Organizations
RSOs shall be given the following privileges:
- Use of the University’s name in association with the name of the organization
- RSO name and contact email listed on Spalding University’s website
- A faculty/staff advisor to assist in the development of the organization
- Use of Spalding’s facilities in accordance with the policies which govern them
- Solicitation of membership on campus under the organization’s name and inclusion in the Involvement Fair
- Solicitation of funds on campus subject to the approval of the Director of Student Leadership
- Solicitation of funds off campus with the approval of the Director of Student Leadership
- Listing of the organization in the official publications of the University
- Registering/Advertising of events - All events held on campus which are sponsored by a student organization must be registered and approved through the portal in order to be listed, posted or published
- Ability to petition Student Government for an allocation of funds to be used for activities for the organization
- Use of University bulletin boards- approval stamp will be given in the Student Development and Campus Life Office: ELC 303
- Invitations to leadership functions including workshops, conferences and community events
- Access to the Student Government Leadership Library
- Right to actively promote the goals, purposes, identity, programs and activities of the organization such as wearing any clothing and/or accessories, displaying organizational paraphernalia, display and/or distribution of written publicity for the organization or an event, and public announcements at Spalding University events
- Spalding University bank account for easy saving, depositing, withdrawing and transferring of funds
- Right to use Spalding services including AV equipment, print shop services, etc.
- Right to reserve meeting space on campus.
- Right to invite off-campus guests to appear at meetings
- Use of the SDCL computers and printer for organizational work during office hours
- Right to request mailing labels and phone lists from Student Leadership
- Inclusion of events in handbooks, calendars, and other publications
Responsibilities of RSOs
Organizations and their members have the following responsibilities:
- To conduct activities and programs in a manner which is consistent with the goals, purposes and values of the organization and Spalding University
- To remain fiscally responsible, including prompt payment of all obligations
- To supervise all sponsored programs
- To include risk management in programming to assist in the safe environment and operation of all programs
- To reimburse Spalding University for damage to University property or facilities, including clean-up costs, damaged property or other related costs
- To conduct meetings and activities in accordance with existing institutional, local, state, and federal regulations which govern such activities
- To abide by the Spalding University hazing policy, recognizing the worth and dignity of every member
- To participate in at least one service project per year
- To conduct at least one fundraiser per academic year
- To submit all required forms by their due dates
- Non-compliance with policies and regulations of Spalding University or violation of local, state and/or federal laws may result in disciplinary action.
- Suspension of rights: Organizations may have any or all of the rights of recognized student organizations suspended.
- Failure by an RSO to perform one service event per year and one fundraiser per year and to submit appropriate documentation will be noted in that RSO’s allocation process.
- Failure by an RSO to attend or send a proxy to mandatory meetings called by the Student Government Association or Director of Student Leadership will result in the RSO account to be frozen until which time the RSO meets individually with the Director of Student Leadership.
- If a Recognized Student Organization fails to carry out any of the responsibilities listed in the SGA Constitution and Bylaws, the RSO’s charter will be revoked and the RSO’s constitution will be kept on file. Any group of students wishing to reactivate the organization must reapply for RSO status following the rules and procedures in the SGA Constitution and Bylaws.
- RSO’s will retain their recognized status by:
Discipline of Student Organizations
- Non-compliance with policies and regulations of Spalding University or violation of local, state and/or federal laws may result in disciplinary action.
- Suspension of rights: Organizations may have any or all of the rights of recognized student organizations suspended.
- Failure by an RSO to perform one service event per year and one fundraiser per year and to submit appropriate documentation will be noted in that RSO’s allocation process.
- Failure by an RSO to attend or send a proxy to mandatory meetings called by the Student Government Association or Director of Student Leadership will result in the RSO account to be frozen until which time the RSO meets individually with the Director of Student Leadership.
- If a Recognized Student Organization fails to carry out any of the responsibilities listed in the SGA Constitution and Bylaws, the RSO’s charter will be revoked and the RSO’s constitution will be kept on file. Any group of students wishing to reactivate the organization must reapply for RSO status following the rules and procedures in the SGA Constitution and Bylaws.
Maintaining Active RSO status
Abiding by the rules and regulations of the University, city, state, and federal laws. If an organization violates any of the provisions of its charter statement, constitution or regulations of Spalding University, the SGA or the University may revoke the organization charter.
This decision may be appealed to the Director of Student Leadership. Additionally, the Director of Student Leadership may suspend, place on probation, or take other appropriate action against any student organization found in violation of University policy. Appeals of these actions may be brought before SGA.
Each organization must re-register their organization at the end of each academic year through Student Development Campus Life with the following information:
- Name of all new members
- Changes in roster including all transfers, graduates, and drops from school
- Officer update
- Advisor update
- Summary of achievements and activities for the current year
- Any constitutional changes and revisions
- Budget statement
Representatives from each recognized student organization shall be required to attend all mandatory meetings as called by the Director of Student Leadership or SGA.
Student organizations should strive to complete one fundraiser per year and submit proper documentation.
Student organizations should strive to participate in one service event per year and submit proper documentation.
RSOs are responsible for managing succession of members into new offices